researchLatvia is a research communication platform created by the Ministry of Education and Science, which creates a research and innovation ecosystem in interaction among various scientific branches and institutions, society and academia, business and culture, the national and global world of research.
Its purpose is to promote the recognition of the image of Latvian research, at the same time strengthening the prestige of Latvian researchers and scientific institutions and building public support for research, as well as promoting the cooperation of local and foreign researchers of Latvian origin.
Integrated research plays an important role in the improvement of the education system, promoting the well-being of society and creating intangible values from public health to its cultural identity, which is a long-term investment in national, regional and European level competitiveness, growth and prosperity.
researchLatvia brandbook (in Latvian):
researchLatvia logo in vectors
researchLatvia logo CMYK two lines.pdf
researchLatvia logo CMYK.pdf
researchLatvia logo - png
researchLatvia-logo-RGB-1800px _colour.png
download (56.33 KB)
download (45.15 KB)
download (44.75 KB)
The Member of researchLatvia brand is:
- Focused on creating value, aware of its impact on society by conducting research aligned with people’s needs, national, and EU priorities.
- Proud of fundamental discoveries and practically applicable research, believing that innovation is inseparable from academic precision and scientific excellence.
- Part of a shared vision to build a knowledge society that fosters civic engagement and critical thinking, serving as the foundation for a strong state and a mature democracy.
Members of researchLatvia are characterized by:
- A unified vision for developing a knowledge society.
- High international recognition for research and innovation performance.
- A shared visual identity (logo) on the institution's website and in international presentations.

Member of researchLatvia recognition
The nut has symbolic significance – it represents connection and collaboration. Science, too, relies on the integration of theories, ideas, and studies, as well as close collaboration among researchers to create new knowledge and solutions.
Additionally, the nut’s function is to provide stability and security, reinforcing connections. In scientific research, this parallels the process of ensuring that all elements work in harmony and precision, avoiding errors or instability that could jeopardize the quality of results. In this context, the nut becomes a symbol not only of the technical aspects of science but also of its core values – precision, stability, and collaboration.
Nuts are notable for their adaptability – they can be used in various types of connections, tailored to specific needs. Similarly, science is flexible and dynamically responds to diverse situations, seeking and adapting solutions to changing conditions.
As a metaphor, the nut illustrates how various forms of knowledge are connected and integrated, forming new understandings and discoveries. Just as a nut ensures system connections and stable operations, scientific institutions are a fundamental foundation linking everything – from theoretical studies to practical innovations.
This symbolic Member of researchLatvia recognition is not only an acknowledgment but also an inspiration for new collaborative projects.

Member of researchLatvia logotype in vector
researchLatvia member CMYK HORIZONTAL.pdf
researchLatvia member of CMYK VERTICAL.pdf
Member of researchLatvia logotype - png
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download (52.69 KB)
download (52.22 KB)