Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology, agency of Daugavpils University
June 5, 2024
Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (LIAE) is internationally recognized scientific institute that performs academic as well as applied research activities in the field of aquatic ecology. Main research interests are focusing on seasonal dynamic of planctonic and benthic organisms, impact of alien species on naturally occuring habitats and species, distribution and effect of hazardous substances, including microplastic, on marine and freshwater organisms, and potential of spatial planning in safeguarding marine biodiversity. Research activities are being financed by EU funds, Life and INTERREG programmes, national reserch funds as well as by contracts with state institutions and private enterprises.
In addition, the LIAE, in accordance to delegation set in Marine environment protection and management law as well as basing on contract signed by Ministry of environment and regional development is implementing marine environment monitoring programme.
Research directions and competence:
1. Functioning of marine ecosystem
LIAE has taxonomic (biological and chemical laboratories are accredited) as well as experimental research competencies to perform research tasks in pelagic (phyto- and zooplankton, their role in food chain) and benthic ecosystems. The research activities regularly support elaboration of bachelor, master as well as doctoral thesis. The knowledge base accumulated while implementing research activities enables us to elaborate and publish research articles. It is also used to improve bachelor and master level study courses.
2. Impact of alien species on natural environment
LIAE has competency to study vectors (for example port and harbor territories) alien species use, as well as to study impacts to natural ecosystems alien species generate. The study results are published in cited research articles and used in elaboration of bachelor, master as well as doctoral thesis. It is also used to improve bachelor and master level study courses.
3. Distribution and impact of hazardous substances, including microplastic
LIAE has competency to study distribution and concentration levels of hazardous substances (including pharmaceuticals) in marine environment (LIAE has laboratory that is accredited to perform analysis of heavy metals and LIAE has developed network of partners that has a capacity to analyze other substances). LIAE has substantial experience to study transfer of hazardous substances in food chain as well as to study biological effects of selected compounds (LIAE has accredited biotest laboratory). Furthermore, LIAE has capacity to study distribution and transfer of microplastics in marine and freshwater ecosystems (LIAE has specifically equipped laboratory). The study results are published in cited research articles and used in elaboration of bachelor, master as well as doctoral thesis. It is also used to improve bachelor and master level study courses.
4. Development of potential for spatial planning to safeguard biological diversity
LIAE has developed a capacity to study role of spatial planning in safeguarding of marine biological diversity. The study topic is relatively new but in frame of several implemented project LIAE managed to achieve very good progress in development of competency. The developed competency extends also to ecosystem services that are provided by marine species and habitats. The study results are published in cited research articles and used in elaboration of bachelor, master as well as doctoral thesis. It is also used to improve bachelor and master level study courses.
Research projects and achievements
# | Title | Implementation period: | Total budget: | |
1. | LAKES Connect (INTERREG): Building networking hub for units interested in lakes protection in Baltic Sea tourist regions - Lakes connect | 01.10.2022 – 01.05.2024 |
Budget: 470 670 EUR |
2. | Aqua INFRA (Horizon): AquaINFRA – Infrastructure for Marine and Inland Waters | 01.01.2023. - 31.12.2026. |
Budget (LIAE): 333 500 EUR |
3. | LIFE REEF: Jūras aizsargājamo biotopu izpēte un nepieciešamā aizsardzības statusa noteikšana Latvijas ekskluzīvajā ekonomiskajā zonā, LIFE19 NAT/LV000973 |
01.09.2020.- 31.08.2025. |
Budget: 4 007 105 EUR, LIAE 1 270 665 Eur, partners BIOR, DAP |
4. | BEACON (INTERREG): Bioloģisko efektu metožu pielietošana monitoringā un piesārņojuma novērtēšanā Baltijas jūrā. | 16.06.2022 - 30.11.2024 . |
Budget: 492 352 EUR |
5. | EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta grants: Mikroplastmasas piesārņojuma dinamika un izplatība Latvijas un Islandes jūru un ezeru ūdeņos - jauna sadarbības virziena uzsākšana. | 20.06.2022 – 30.04.2025 |
Budget: 51 892,87 EUR |
6. | SolidShore (EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta grants): Risinājumi pašreizējām un nākotnes problēmām dabiskajās un izmainītajās krasta zonās, Baltijas jūras austrumu daļā | 01.06.2020-31.05.2024 |
Budget: 907 741 EUR |
7. | Detect2Protect (Biodiversa+): New approaches in determining the impacts of chemical pollution to protect the biodiversity of the Baltic Sea | 01.01.2023-31.12.2025 |
Budget: 89 956 EUR |
Research infrastructure:
1. Laboratory of hydrochemistry
Laboratory is accredited according to standard LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 “General requirements for competencies of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2017)”. The laboratory is well equipped to perform nutrient and heavy metal analysis, including detection mercury in solids and solutions by thermal decomposition, amalgamation and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Provides capacity to perform research tasks according to high standards both in marine and freshwaters.
2. Laboratory of hydrobiology
Laboratory is accredited according to standard LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 “General requirements for competencies of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2017)”. The laboratory is well equipped with inverted and light microscopes for taxonomic studies as well as provides capacity to conduct experimental studies on planktonic and benthic organisms.
3. Laboratory of ecotoxicology
Laboratory is accredited according to standard LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 “General requirements for competencies of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2017)”. In accreditation sphere is included Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea) movement inhibition test as well as acute toxicity test, and algae growth inhibition test with unicell green algae (ISO 8692:2012). The technical capacity permits conduction of other ecotoxicity tests as well as experimental studies.
4. Laboratory of microplastic
LIAE has laboratory that is specifically adapted and equipment for microplastic analyzes. Laboratory is used to prepare and analyze samples from natural (marine and freshwater) waters, waste waters, sediments, sand and soil as well as biota. It is planned to accredit methods used in laboratory according to ISO standards when they will be adopted.
5. Climate cameras for ex-situ microcosm experiments
LIEA has 4 relatively small climate cameras and 1 medium size climate cameras adapted for long term exposition of organisms to controlled environment conditions, like temperature, light, etc. The LIAE has also equipment and capacity to conduct in-situ experiments.
6. Boats
LIAE have several boats suitable for inland and marine waters that are used to conduct research activities in lakes, rivers and coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. For open water studies LIAE usually cooperates with other organizations like State Environmental Service or Coast Guard.
7. Autonomous platforms for continuous measurements
LIAE has 3 ice class smart buoys. Buoys usually are deployed following rotation system, e.g., 2 of buoys are deployed while third undergoes maintenance. Main parameters registered each hour are water temperature, salinity, turbidity, chlorophyll a concentration, oxygen concentration, wave height, current speed and direction.
The LIAE also has acoustic current profiler (Teledyne Workhorse Sentinel ADCP). It operates at 300 kHz frequency and is suitable to measure currents with a resolution of 1 m down to 150 m depth.
Leading researchers:
Name |
Scientific degree |
H index |
Scopus ID Nr. |
Juris Aigars |
PhD |
13 |
0000-0002-9191-3803 |
6507863385 |
Ingrīda Andersone |
Dr |
13 |
0000-0002-1642-9560 |
6603003718 |
Solvita Strāķe |
Dr |
10 |
0000-0002-0537-3303 |
26635886600 |
Anda Ikauniece |
Dr |
8 |
6506457894 |
Inta Deimantoviča-Dimante |
Dr |
7 |
36918202900 |
Maija Viška |
Dr |
7 |
0000-0002-6559-6760 |
54794606800 |
Iveta Jurgensone |
Dr |
8 |
25641071400 |
Evita Strode |
Dr |
6 |
56021705900 |
Māris Skudra |
Dr |
4 |
0000-0003-0444-9748 |
56534171900 |
Astra Labuce |
Dr |
3 |
57195479219 |
More information: https://lhei.lv/en/