The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
July 10, 2024
The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) is an internationally recognized leader in materials science and crossdisciplinary topics, conducting competitive research, educating students and offering innovative solutions for industrial needs. Its scientific competitiveness as well as its research and innovation ecosystem is enhanced through the Centre of Excellence in Advanced Material Research and Technology Transfer CAMART2 project.
Research directions and competences
ISSP UL research directions include:
Fundamental and experimental research in solid state physics and materials science:
- Synergy of theoretical and experimental methods in prediction and research of crystallographic structures and materials with tailored optical, electronic and magnetic properties;
- Investigation of structural effects by methods of quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics and mesoscopic scale modeling;
- Computer modeling of materials and devices;
- X-ray absorption spectroscopy;
- Formation of native and radiation-induced point defects, their evolution and study of structure in solids;
- Experimental research of mechanisms of luminescence and electronic processes in solids;
- Study of non-linear optical effects in organic nanostructured materials.
Improvement of technologies and experimental methods:
- Development of thin films and coating technologies;
- Research on 0D, 1D, 2D and mixed dimensional nanomaterials;
- Prototyping of microfluidic devices;
- Development of a polymer photonics technology platform;
- Research on the morphology and structure of materials;
- Research of scintillator materials by synchrotron spectroscopy methods;
- Application of spectroscopic ellipsometry in the research of functional materials.
Research on material applications:
- Materials and applications in electronics and photonics;
- Materials for radiation conversion;
- Materials for energy harvesting and storage;
- Materials and devices for biomedical applications.
The ISSP UL pays great attention to education, as well as to attracting highly qualified scientific staff. The Institute currently employs around 100 doctors of science, carrying out internationally competitive research, educating students and offering innovative solutions for industrial needs. The Master's degree study program developed in cooperation with the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, University of Latvia is the basis for building young people's knowledge and industrial competitiveness in the future. The ISSP UL actively cooperates with international scientific organizations and universities to raise the qualification of both students and scientists as well as to attract entrepreneurs and investors.
Research projects and achievements
The Excellence Centre of Advanced MAterial Research and Technology Transfer CAMART²
About CAMART2: The proposed project CAMART2 is aimed to upgrade the existing “Excellence Centre of Advanced Material Research and Technology at the Institute of Solid State Physics University of Latvia” to a new significantly stronger Centre of Excellence. The upgrade will enable efficient transfer of new materials and technologies into products for commercial and public benefits based on exchange of knowledge and synergy with innovation-intensive Consortium partners.
The implementation of CAMART2 will increase the level of commercialisation of research in Latvia and Baltic Sea region, enhance cooperation between business and academics paving way for innovation-based economic growth, diminishing the disparities between Latvia and well-performing Member States.
Type: Horizon 2020 WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2
Identification number: #739508
Project manager: Dr.phys. Mārtiņš Rutkis, ISSP UL
CAMART2 partners:
- Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (coordinator)
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Acreo Swedish ICT
- RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
CAMART2 web page: camart2.eu First stage
CAMART2 first stage funding – 497 500 EUR
CAMART2 first stage task – an elaboration of the business plan of CAMART2 according to needs and demands of the national and Baltic Sea Region industry for R&D and technology transfer services in the field of advanced materials and technologies.
Specialization of CAMART2 is defined according to RIS3 topic of Latvia “Smart materials, technology and engineering systems” and EC defined KETs – Advanced Materials, Photonics, Nanotechnology and Micro- and Nanoelectronics. The R&D&I activities at the Centre of Excellence will be focused on:
- Thin films and coating technologies;
- Functional materials for electronics and photonics;
- Nanotechnology, nanocomposites and ceramics;
- Computational material science by atomistic scale modelling of technologically important materials and devices.
Strategic objectives for CAMART2 –
- increase level of research commercialization;
- enhance cooperation between businesses and academics;
- develop a cooperation platform for enterprises and scientists;
- support joint research;
- foster technology transfer.
Second stage
CAMART2 second stage funding: Total funding € 14 999 955 - ISSP UL € 11 087 608,75; KTH € 2 120 310; RISE ACREO AB € 319 346,04; RISE Research Institutes of Sweden € 1 472 690,21
CAMART2 second stage aims:
- to establish ISSP UL as the most important center of excellence for education, science, innovation and technology transfer in the Baltic States;
- to establish ISSP UL as the hub for collaboration and technology transfer platform (called "RIX-STO") for materials physics based high technologies, including scientists, entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers on both sides of the Baltic Sea;
- modernization of ISSP UL, including an overall refinement of the educational programs, strengthening of the research and development activities towards higher technology readiness levels, establishment of an innovation system and Open Access Laboratory, as well as ISO 9001 certification;
- active involvement in programs for networking and outreach to make academia and high-tech industries in the region around Riga and Stockholm flourish with respect to scientific results, economic growth and increased competitiveness.
CAMART2 second stage summary: The CAMART² project is based on a long-term partnership between ISSP UL, KTH Royal Institute of Technology – the largest technical university in Sweden, and RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden.
Within the scope or CAMART² project, to establish ISSP UL as the most important center of excellence for education, science, innovation and technology transfer in the Baltic States. ISSP UL will also become the hub for a collaboration and technology transfer platform (called "RIX-STO") for materials physics including scientists, entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers on both sides of the Baltic Sea.
The commitment from the Swedish partners assures successful modernization of ISSP UL, including an overall refinement of the educational programs, strengthening of the research and development activities towards higher technology readiness levels, establishment of an innovation system and Open Access Laboratory, as well as ISO 9001 certification.
CAMART2 second stage expected results: With assistance from KTH and Acreo, ISSP UL will develop scientific programmes by prioritising research directions in which ISSP UL can excel and efficiently support relevant industries by increasing the Technology Readiness level (TRL) in well-defined areas. The main quality indicators for scientific impact are the total number of publications and number of student theses. Special attention will be paid for three indicators - number of international co-publications, number of citations, and quality measured by source normalized impact per paper (SNIP) of journals.
CAMART2 second stage tasks at ISSP UL:
- Increase the level of research commercialization;
- Facilitate cooperation between the academic and business sectors;
- Maintain a cooperation platform between entrepreneurs and scientists;
- Support joint research with project partners;
- Promote technology transfer.
Smart Windows for Zero Energy Buildings (SWEB)
Identification number: 101087367
Type: Horizon Europe
Project duration: 01.01.2023. – 31.12.2027.
Project leader: ISSP UL, Prof. Dr. phys. Juris Purans
ERA Chair holder: Dr. Smagul Karazhanov
ISSP UL budget: 2 471 875 EUR
ISSP UL main objectives:
- Human capital development benefits. With support of the ERA Chair and team, the SWEB project will increase the R&D&I capacity of ISSP by developing its research potential in the areas of materials science, positively contributing to the activities of the existing Centre of Excellence (CAMART2).
- Development of new energy saving and chromogenic materials and devices, developing scalable deposition methods, stability testing protocols for photochromic and thermochromic films, indoor and outdoor testing.
- Publication and knowledge transfer benefits. The publication of the obtained scientific results in high- impact peer-review journals will contribute to higher recognisability of ISSP and the possibility to gain more external funding.
- Long-term benefits in sustainable energy and economy by the SWEB project contribution to the Solutions for meeting crucial challenges in the development of a resource-efficient society; and by establishment of the Briefing Demo Centre and EU joint graduate school on SW and zero energy buildings as a long-term impact after the finalisation of the SWEB, based on the strong R&D&I and stockholder network developed during the project.
- 5. Innovation transfer to start-ups and spin-off businesses. The project results will provide a strong background for further development of technology within commercialization activities at ISSP.
Project description: The aim of the Smart Windows for Zero Energy Buildings (SWEB) project is to develop world-leading research on functional materials and their SWEB applications, to advance teaching capacity and to foster institutional governance changes towards excellence and sustainability. ISSP UL is the leader of Functional Materials and Coating research in Latvia. It concentrates significant resources in materials research, testing, advanced training, and innovation. ISSP UL key technologies are based on inorganic and organic thin film deposition on a wide variety of materials, using different advanced deposition techniques from existing and new tools. The deposition tools are operated by highly skilled staff, enabling the deposition of novel materials as required by internal research projects and external customers. Currently several ongoing research projects aim at the development of novel advanced materials and coatings for SWEB.
ERA Chair SWEB will establish high-quality researcher and expert team by synergistically merging chromogenic SW materials and complementary competencies at ISSP UL and bridging the gap between research and technology transfer. The knowledge gained will increase research excellence, visibility, and attractiveness of ISSP and Latvia in general, thus enhancing participation in ERA. Furthermore, these ambitious research and innovation goals targeting emerging next-generation chromogenic SW development will lay the foundation for further technical development and innovative production of SWEB in other regions of the EU. Ultimately, society as a whole will benefit from excellent job opportunities for specialists, more youths are drawn to prestigious technology and engineering-oriented higher education, a bridge between R&D and the public, and consumers will indirectly benefit from shorter prototype to market development cycles of targeted chromogenic SW.
ISSP UL offers services for characterization of the properties of solid state materials. For these purposes High-technology infrastructure is available at ISSP UL providing resources for advanced analysis, synthesis and processing of the materials.
See below for available equipment or see the full equipment list.
Leading researchers:
- Ph.D. Inga Pudža, h-indekss (Scopus): 8, Scopus ID: 56548999200
- Dr.phys. Laima Trinklere, h-indekss (Scopus): 3, Scopus ID: 7801525514
- Dr.habil.phys. Jevgēnijs Kotomins , h-indekss (Scopus): 53, Scopus ID: 26642873800
- Dr.phys. Anatolijs Popovs, h-indekss (Scopus): 39, Scopus ID: 57205266521
- Dr.habil.phys. Juris Purāns, h-indekss (Scopus): 35, Scopus ID: 7003530550
- Dr.habil.phys. Linards Skuja, h-indekss (Scopus): 37, Scopus ID: 7004098260
- Dr.phys. Krišjānis Šmits, h-indekss (Scopus): 20, Scopus ID: 56240852900
- Dr.phys. Mārtiņš Rutkis, h-indekss (Scopus): 15, Scopus ID: 6602494416
- Dr.phys. Anatolijs Šarakovskis, h-indekss (Scopus): 15, Scopus ID: 23111434700
- Ph.D. Aleksejs Zolotarjovs, h-indekss (Scopus): 12, Scopus ID: 56451133300
- Dr.phys. Aivars Vembris, h-indekss (Scopus): 11, Scopus ID: 12238776000
- Dr. sc. ing. Gatis Mozoļevskis, h-indekss (Scopus): 3, Scopus ID: 55356576500
More information: www.cfi.lu.lv/en/
Photo: Unsplash.com