Latvian Maritime Academy of the Riga Tehnical University
June 10, 2024
The mission of the RTU Latvian Maritime Academy is to train high-quality maritime specialists, develop maritime education programs and ensure sustainable operation of the field in Latvia.
Maintaining the qualifications and competence of the academic and scientific staff, as well as creating a modern education and training base, are the main tasks of the academy's management. It is the responsibility of all leading employees to create the prerequisites necessary for quality work in the academy and the staff's understanding of their role in achieving the goals.
The tasks of the RTU Latvian Maritime Academy are to provide in-depth theoretical knowledge in the fundamental directions of the field of maritime transport, to acquire the skill of conducting scientific research, to acquire the skill of formulating and solving scientific problems, to acquire skills for scientific discussions on the topics of one's own research direction and on other scientific topics of the industry, to provide knowledge on technical to innovation methods (training, studying, experience, science, technique, technology, production), to provide knowledge and skills for the performance of pedagogical work, to promote internationally important scientific research, to present scientific papers at international conferences and seminars.
Research directions and competences
Vertical research platforms of the RTU Latvian Maritime Academy:
- Safe and efficient marine engineering systems and their technical operation, incl. remote and autonomous ship systems
- Shipping digitization and cyber security engineering systems
- Smart and environmentally friendly port technologies
RTU LJA's horizontal research platforms are Maritime Education and History and Human Resources in Maritime, Their Effective Management and Maritime Safety. Horizontal research platforms are an integral part of the implementation of vertical research platforms.
Research projects and achievements
- Green technology solutions for increasing the ship's eco-efficiency for the sustainability of the Baltic Sea environment and reducing the risk to human health, ERDF (PostDoc), 01.04.2020. - 31.03.2023. Financing EUR 133 805.88.
- Assessment of the environmental impact of bio-polymer composites for 3D printing and application in the maritime industry of the Baltic Sea region, ERDF (PostDoc), 01.04.2020. - 31.03.2023. Financing EUR 133 805.88.
- Development of innovative fish processing sublimation technology for creating a universal balanced diet with high nutritional value and long shelf life, RSS (Rural Support Service) European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Union, 01.11.2020.- 31.03.2023. Financing EUR 391 880.
- Development of smart technologies for effective and safe maritime transport operations, LSC (Latvian Science Council), 01.01.2020.-31.03.2023. Financing EUR 299 844.
- Innovative and collaborative environment of the European Anti-Submarine Defense Autonomous Network, SEANICE (European Defense Industry Development Programme), 01.12.2021. - 30.11.2024. Financing EUR 299 921.25.
- Acquisition of healthy plant materials and trials of innovative cultivation methods for economically important crops, RSS (Rural Support Service), 01.10.2022.-30.09.2023. Financing 14 250 EUR.
RTU LMA has the necessary modern materiel equipment for research, such as simulation-based Global Maritime Distress and Rescue Systems (GMDSS), Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS), Automatic Radar Course Setting Aids (ARPA), navigation and radio communication simulators, shipboard engine room and ship mechanism control system simulators, ship stability NAPA simulation laboratory, sea cargo transportation simulation laboratory - Liquid Cargo Handling, virtual reality laboratory, shipping safety laboratory, etc. In the direction of the technical operation of sea transport, there are laboratories equipped with a 3D printer, machine tools (lathes, milling machines, universal machine tools), locksmithing, welding, electrical equipment maintenance workshops, as well as an established laboratory for testing the physical properties of materials. Chemical tanker cargo tank coating and ballast water treatment testing laboratories and power transmission, as well as a power hydraulics and pneumatics laboratory have also been established. project SAM 8.2.1. within the framework, an outdoor laboratory of the ship's lifeboats was created for tests in real conditions.
For the development of sublimation technology within the framework of the Rural Support Service financed project, food sublimation and testing laboratories have been created, equipped with scientific equipment and freezers for working with fish and other aquaculture production. As a result, an innovative lyophilization prototype has been built, with the help of which it is possible to conduct sublimation, vacuum drying and other experiments in low pressure conditions. The following laboratories are being created in accordance with the research directions of LMA: for the development and testing of ship prototypes; ship system, incl. for the development and testing of electrical and automation system prototypes; for the development and testing of ship navigation and radio communication system prototypes; for the development and testing of prototypes of ship power equipment and their systems; for the development and testing of prototypes of liquefied gas and alternative energy equipment; for development and testing of prototypes of remote control systems; for simulation and analysis of port processes, optimization of mooring and maneuvering, towing processes; for the research of mobile and data transmission technologies and cyber security in shipping digitization processes, as well as for the development and testing of prototypes of port equipment and hydraulic structures, etc.
Leading researchers:
- Kristīne Carjova, PhD, H-indekss 6, ORCID: 0000-0002-3941-8055, Scopus ID: 55217689600
- Jānis Baroniņš, PhD, H-indekss 8, ORCID: 0000-0002-0831-2733, Scopus ID: 57163692400
- Aleksandrs Terebkovs, PhD, H-indekss 3, Scopus ID: 55916056600
- Guntis Strautmanis, PhD, H-indekss 6, ORCID: 0000-0001-8405-939X, Scopus ID: 56502213100
- Margarita Urbaha, PhD, H-indekss 5, ORCID: 0000-0002-6637-4158, Scopus ID: 35171673100
- Gerda Gaidukova, PhD, H-indekss 12, ORCID: 0000-0002-0441-0002, Scopus ID: 54890235700
- Renāte Kalniņa, PhD, H-indekss 2, ORCID: 0000-0002-3550-7915, Scopus ID: 56394612400
- Andrejs Zvaigzne, PhD, H-indekss 1, ORCID: 0000-0002-9885-4447, Scopus ID: 57193538893
More information: www.rtu.lv/en/lma