European dimension
April 11, 2023
Research in Latvia is closely linked to short- and long-term policy strategies on an EU level. Research priorities in Latvia align with and complement the planned EU research aims, missions, and particularly with Horizon Europe and other programmes. It is a challenge-based model characterised by reflexivity, inclusivity, and openness.
We are building a stable and resilient national research environment, by facilitating more international and public-private partnerships. This will also increase the number of innovations and create more opportunities for networking and mobility. Our unique position allows us to generate knowledge and value in the region and the EU, as well as through historically developed relations with CIS countries.
Overall, our vision of integrated science reflects the basic principles of European science as they have been since the Reformation and the early modern period. It’s based on and fosters a culture of knowledge and rationality and contributes to the common good. It focuses on excellence, and its growth is inseparable from transparency and accountability.
Belonging to the European Research Area defines our position in global value chains. In this way we contribute to globally relevant research missions, aiming to create a better society and a safer world.
Research Latvia narratives