Rīga Stradiņš University
June 10, 2024
RSU is a modern European research university that is the centre for talented people and the place to receive outstanding research and practice-based education and experience. RSU ensures creation, accumulation and transfer of knowledge valued in the international research community, and contributes to the development of society in the field of health, life and social sciences, fulfilling the lifelong potential of every student and employee.
Research directions and competences
The Medicine Platform covers molecular aspects of diseases, genetics, epidemiology, prognosis and treatment, impact on quality of life, treatment goals and outcomes. Leading topics are general medicine, oncology, infectology, microbiology, virology and bioinformatics.
The Public Health Platform addresses practical health problems, occupational safety, rehabilitation and environmental health.
Research topics include, disease prevention and health promotion, rehabilitation, survival, research on quality of life, epidemiology, health systems, digital health, health economics, sustainable urban development, climate impact.
The Social Sciences Platform conducts research in all fields of social sciences: psychology, economics, education, sociology and social work, law, political science, media and communication research. The main areas of empirical and theoretical research are political and state processes, media studies and strategic communication, national, international and cyber security, development of international business and economy - labour market and social policy, business research; international and national justice systems and legislation, medical and social rights.
Research projects and achievements
RSU is a member of EIT Health, HERA and several cancer consortia (CIMBA, BCAC). Network is developed through local and international research projects (Horizon Europe, COST Actions, ERDF, FLAG-ERA, FP7, INTERREG, Erasmus+) and technology transfer activities.
RSU is a member of European research infrastructures EATRIS, BBMRI, EOSC and SHARE.
RSU Scientific institutes and laboratories
Doctoral School - one-stop agency
RSU Dataverse is an institutional research data repository, a resource or service for the deposit of research data.
RSU Research Portal collects information on the research output and activities of the academic and research staff at RSU: publications, projects, awards, research activities, data sets, presentations, communication, press and media, and more.
Leading researchers:
- Miķelis Grīviņš
- Dace Pjanova
- Renāte Ranka
- Zaiga Nora-Krūkle
- Linda Gailīte
- Ivars Vanadziņš
- Anda Ķīvīte - Urtāne
- Baiba Vilne
- Ieva Puzo
- Karīna Palkova
- Inese Čakstiņa-Dzērve
- Zanda Daneberga
- Vineta Kleinberga
- Kārlis Rācenis
More information: www.rsu.lv