Researcher Spotlight: Toms Rostoks

Dr. sc. pol. Toms Rostoks, Director of the Security and Strategic Research Centre of the Latvian National Defence Academy

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Researcher Spotlight 2025

Extraordinary personalities and their achievements

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research in Latvia

in brief

We are building a stable and strong national research environment, enabling international and public-private partnerships to emerge.

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why Latvia

Latvia's research policy is developed in order to create the maximum number of opportunities both in the research and education system and in the business environment.

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We believe that a culture of knowledge offers the best opportunities for creating and sustaining a strong civil society in a world that is constantly changing.

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research spotlight

research research

Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry Develops New Biodegradable Fiber-based Packaging Materials

By securing funding, the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry and SIA V.L.T. have developed innovative, knowledge-based methods and technologies, as well as created innovative packaging materials.   The The Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LSIWC) in collaboration with …

The Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry

February 14, 2025

natural sciences

Heart and Valentine's Day: A Scientific Perspective

The human heart, a vital organ of the circulatory system, is essential for sustaining life by pumping blood throughout the body. Beyond its physiological role, the heart has become a universal symbol of love, deeply embedded in cultural traditions, including Valentine’s Day. While romantic emotions…


February 14, 2025

quantum technologies

2025 – The International Year of Quantum Science and Technology

The United Nations (UN) General Assembly has declared 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, marking the centenary of the origins of quantum mechanics. This initiative highlights the significance of quantum science and its potential in developing sustainable solutions whi…

UNESCO / researchLatvia

February 13, 2025

natural sciences research

Daugavpils University Entomologist Names Newly Discovered Beetle "Doliops kaupersi" in Honor of Latvian Musician

It is a long-standing tradition that the scientist who first describes a newly discovered species earns the right to name it. This practice continues with a new longhorn beetle species found in the Philippine archipelago, now officially named Doliops kaupersi in honor of Latvian musician Renārs Kau…

Daugavpils University /

February 13, 2025


Student Project of Riga Technical University Could Reduce the Costs of Space Exploration

Nearly 14 million euros will be available to support innovation for students, and new projects can be launched by the end of the year. Meanwhile, in the previous grant program, students of Riga Technical University (RTU) began developing technologies for rocket launches, and the team continues the …

Sintija Ambote, Latvian Radio News

February 12, 2025

grants research

Opportunities for Youth in the Swiss-Latvian "Applied Research" Programme at the Exibition "School 2025"

At the international education exhibition "School 2025", on Friday, February 21, from 12:00 to 15:00, the launch event of the Swiss-Latvian Cooperation Programme "Applied Research" titled "The Impossible is Possible" will take place. This event will bring together young people, scientists, and inno…

Latvian Science Council

February 12, 2025


Empowering women in science: How the EU is driving change for gender equality in R&I

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a great opportunity to celebrate their achievements and highlights the need to encourage and support more young girls and women to get involved in research. Every scientific discovery, breakthrough, and innovation we celebrate has been s…

European Research Executive Agency

February 11, 2025

experience stories of researchers

Magnetic Bacteria Movement: The Key to Innovative Therapies?

Many people probably remember playing with magnets as children, testing various household objects and their attraction to magnets. But what if scientists found a way to use the movement of magnetic bacteria to deliver medication precisely to the necessary location in the human body, bypassing unwan…

Latvian Science Council

February 11, 2025

public health

A New Method is Being Developed to Assess the Mental Health Indicators of Latvian Adolescents

In recent years, due to global crises - pandemics, ongoing wars, climate changes, and other shifts - there has been an increase in the number of young people in both Latvia and around the world experiencing mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. A research team from Riga Stradiņš U…

Riga Stradiņš University, Riga Technical University

February 10, 2025


Infrastructure in Irbene is Significant both Nationally and Internationally

On February 6th, Prime Minister Evika Siliņa and Minister of Education and Science Anda Čakša visited the Engineering Research Institute Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre (ERI VIRAC) of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS), to discuss Latvia's technological opportunities. Fo…

Ventspils University of Applied Sciences

February 7, 2025

upcoming events


On-site exhibition "The Third Awakening and the Folklore Movement: Forces and Events"


All day

Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka


Bernar Venet. Painting: From Rational to Virtual. 1966–2024


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Mākslas muzejs RĪGAS BIRŽA Doma laukums 6


Travelling Exibition "Research Latvia 2025"


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Ezermalas iela 8b, Rīga


Seminar "Drone Technologies"


1:00 pm

RTU Zinātnes un inovāciju centra zāle "The Moon", Ķīpsalas iela 6A, Rīga

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February Researcher Spotlight: Toms Rostoks

Dr. sc. pol. Toms Rostoks  Director of the Security and Strategic Research Centre of the Latvian National Defence Academy.

The latest academic publications and studies are related to the deterrence measures implemented by NATO in the Baltic region, the study of the intentions of the states, changes in the security and defence policy of Latvia since 2014, and the views of the Latvian society on issues of significance to national security and defence. 

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January Researcher Spotlight: Diāna Zandberga

Dr. art. Diāna Zandberga, Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music Director of the Joint Professional Doctoral Study Programme “Arts”, Pianist. 

Her research focuses on artistic research, piano music, and choreo-musical performances. She has participated in international conferences on artistic research, with concerts and lectures on this topic presented on a global scale.

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Research Latvia 2025

Complementing one another, the calendar "Research Latvia 2025" brings together 12 of Latvia's leading scientific institutions. Their excellent achievements in research demonstrate our nation's significant role in the European Research Area and globally. 12 scientific personalities – six female and six male researchers – with their unique research contribute to the development of national and global interdisciplinary science centers. May the National Library of Latvia and Latvia’s universities continue to inspire us to seek, create and grow! 

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